Celestial Echo Press is a small press based in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.
Dynamic. That’s what Gemini Wordsmiths, LLC, our parent company, strives for, to stay dynamic. In fact, we’re the dynamic duo, and we keep moving forward. So forward, that in May 2019 our editing company added a publishing company.
Our first two forays into publishing were anthologies. Again, moving forward, we began to publish OPB (as Ruth calls it – other people’s books!).
Our first author was George W. Young. All our publications can be found on the Catalog tab.
Celestial Echo Press is a hybrid press. For an explanation of what a hybrid press is/does, please see the Hybrid Publishing tab. We are always open for submissions. Please follow the guidelines, and be sure to review the Hybrid Publishing Process and Packages tabs, as well as the Submission Guidelines.
Sign up for our newsletter (we won’t deluge you, we promise!) and/or join our Celestial Echo Press Facebook group to find out about our anthology open calls.
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Drum roll please! Our incredible news is: both Ruth and Ann’s Guide to Time Travel Volume I and Volume II have been nominated for the Philip K. Dick award! Woohoo!
And stories from six authors in Volume I have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize! Jon McGoran, Judith Field, Stephen Chappell, Neal Wiser, Karen Eisenbrey, and John Bukowsi. We’ll post updates here after the awards have been announced.
We are members of the IBPA, Independent Book Publishers Association. https://www.ibpa-online.org/